Raihan pokemon porn gay

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It is rumored that he could easily become another region's Champion should he choose to move, but it seems that to Raihan, defeating Leon is much more important. Occasionally he'll post a photo that only shows a sandstorm.' Rare League Card 'Raihan started taking selfies so as to never forget the pain of his defeats, but more recently he has been taking photos showing off his training routine, his fashion choices, and the like, causing some fans to leave harsh comments whenever he loses to Leon. Raihan no doubt looks forward to taking a selfie after finally defeating Leon.' Pokémon It's true that Raihan is on a ten-nil losing streak against Leon, but no other Pokémon Trainer has managed to KO as many of Leon's Pokémon as Raihan has.

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In all battles, Raihan will Gigantamax his Duraludon at the first opportunity. Prior to his introduction to the series, Raihan entered the current World Coronation Series competition just to challenge Leon.

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During the current season, Raihan was skilled enough to grow rapidly in his rank, soon entering the Master Class. In Toughing It Out!, Raihan had a battle against Leon during the World Coronation Series in Wyndon. His Duraludon battled Leon's Charizard only to be defeated after a tough battle between the two Trainers. After his victory, Leon greets Raihan for the battle and Raihan says he intends to train more so that he can defeat his rival.

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